Monday, September 29, 2008

Sassy pony

OK, I have to admit,, After spending a week at the beach and seeing my nieces almost every day, they inspired me to do some wild and crazy things with my pony-0's. This one goes to Mandy at Mommy Cracked:) Hope you like it:) hotpink, black and white:)

I will recommend to you all in bloggy land that when you are
making bows and you are on the road, make sure that you don't leave the glue bottle unopened and upside down. I had to remake quite a few of my lovely bows:(.

I also made a couple for Angie over at Boredom Central:) Orange and green are perfect colors for the month of October and beyond!


Mandy said...

Oh they're perfect!! I can't wait to see get them! Little Addison will love them!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I will get with you in Nov for the girls at school.